About This Station
The station is powered by a -somekindof- weather station. The data is collected every X seconds and the site is updated every X minutes. This site and its data is collected using Weather Display Software. The station is comprised of an anemometer, a rain gauge and a thermo-hydro sensor situated in optimal positions for highest accuracy possible.
About This City
This website was primarly created as a public service for residents of Estes Park, Colorado and Vicinity.
This weather station is privately owned and operated, is not affiliated with the Town of Estes Park, Colorado.
and should not be considered an officially recognized station for weather.
Weather Data
The data you see on EstesParkWeather.net website is primarly fed from a personal weather station at our home utilizing high quality weather instruments, as well as other data sources, including the National Weather Service to provide local, accurate, and timely weather conditions for the greater Estes Park, Colorado Area. I hope you enjoy using this website and welcome any comments, suggestions.
Press / Articles
New York Times article about Personal Weather Stations and the positive impact they are having on forecasting weather. I, Gregory Truta, was highlighted in the article that appeared in the New York Times in December of 2004.
About This Website
This site is a template design by CarterLake.org with PHP conversion by Saratoga-Weather.org.
Special thanks go to Kevin Reed at TNET Weather for his work on the original Carterlake templates, and his design for the common website PHP management.
Special thanks to Mike Challis of Long Beach WA for his wind-rose generator, Theme Switcher and CSS styling help with these templates.
Special thanks go to Ken True of Saratoga-Weather.org for the AJAX conditions display, dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design for this site.
Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.
This template is XHTML 1.0 compliant. Validate the XHTML and CSS of this page.