Welcome to EstesParkWeather.net - Bringing you the best in local weather for Estes Park, Colorado.

Updated 1/19/2025 - NOAA weather advisories now functioning on the home page just in time for all of the cold weather. I have recently added a Solar radiation sensor to the weather station as well. Thank you to Janie, Sandra, Phillip, Jordon, Gary and our local anonymous donors for your donations! I am still working on the transition to the new website which will include a mobile phone adaptive page. Expect a full transition to the new website as soon as I can. Please utilize the new new EstesParkWeather.net as it will become permanent soon. Happy new year, Greg

NWS Weather Alerts Summary

Issued by the National Weather Service
Last update: Saturday 1:32am MST
Estes Park
   No alerts No alerts

Updated@ Sat, 22-Feb-2025 1:30am MST - next update at 1:40am 
Summary / Temperature Wind Rain Outlook

Estes Park, Colorado Webcam facing South WestEstes Park live webcam

20.9 Colder 2.8°F than last hour.

Uncomfortably Cold

Feels like: 20

24-hr difference
-1.8°FColder 1.8°F than yesterday at this time.
Currently 20.9°F, Max: 27.7°F, Min: 20.9°F
  Today Yesterday
High: 27.7
Low: 20.9
 Wind from NW NW 1.5  
Gust: 0.0
Gust Today: 9.2 12:13am
Gust Month: 56.0 Feb 1
Rain Today: 0.00
Rain Rate (/hr): 0.000
Rain Yesterday: 0.07
This Month: 0.11
Season 2 Total: 0.43
4 rain days in Feb.

Saturday: Sunny

Hi 43 °F
Humidity & Barometer Almanac Moon
Humidity: 67 %
Dew Point: 11.7 Decreased 0.9°F since last hour. Increased 5% since last hour.
Barometer: 30.12 Falling 0.009 inHg/hour
Baro Trend:
Sunrise: 6:45 am
Sunset: 5:44 pm
Moonrise: 3:09 am
Moonset: 11:45 am
Waning Crescent
Solar Radiation
Night time/Dry/Clear skies
0W/m2 0 % of max)
High: 0 @  12:00am
  2Yearly rainfall season is from July 1st
Estes Park Weather Forecast  -  Overnight's Outlook

Overnight: Clear

Lo 21 °F
NWS forecast: Overnight, Clear. Low around 21, with temperatures rising to around 23 overnight. West wind around 13 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.
Davis VP+ forecast: increasing clouds with little temp change, precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hrs.
Estes Park Webcam - Estes Park, Colorado - Time-Lapse slideshow

Click on the webcam image to view full-size.

Weather Forecast

National Weather Service Forecast for: Estes Park, CO
Issued by: National Weather Service Denver/Boulder, CO
Updated: Fri, 21-Feb-2025 8:17pm MST

Overnight: Clear

Saturday: Sunny
Saturday Night: Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy

Sunday: Sunny
Sunday Night: Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy

Monday: Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Monday Night: Mostly Clear
Mostly Clear

Tuesday: Chance Light Snow
Chance Light Snow
Tuesday Night: Chance Light Snow
Chance Light Snow
Lo 21 °F Hi 43 °F Lo 28 °F Hi 48 °F Lo 35 °F Hi 52 °F Lo 32 °F Hi 51 °F Lo 27 °F
Clear. Low around 21, with temperatures rising to around 23 overnight. West wind around 13 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.
Sunny. High near 43, with temperatures falling to around 38 in the afternoon. West wind around 13 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.
Saturday Night
Partly cloudy. Low around 28, with temperatures rising to around 32 overnight. West wind 10 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 32 mph.
Sunny, with a high near 48. West wind 15 to 18 mph, with gusts as high as 44 mph.
Sunday Night
Partly cloudy, with a low around 35. West wind 16 to 20 mph, with gusts as high as 43 mph.
Mostly sunny, with a high near 52.
Monday Night
Mostly clear, with a low around 32.
A chance of snow after 11am. Mostly sunny, with a high near 51.
Tuesday Night
A chance of snow. Partly cloudy, with a low around 27.
A slight chance of snow before 5pm. Sunny, with a high near 42.
Wednesday Night
Mostly clear, with a low around 23.
Sunny, with a high near 50.
Thursday Night
Mostly clear, with a low around 32.
Mostly sunny, with a high near 51.

Do you enjoy using this website regularly? Please consider a small donation to help offset the operational costs of running this website. Thank you! Greg Truta


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This page is updated by Weather Display V10.37S and WeatherLink V
With JavaScript enabled, some conditions are updated at 5 second intervals. The next full page conditions update is scheduled for 1:40am. Thanks to Ken True at Saratoga-Weather.org for the general layout ideas, and his use of AJAX technologies.

EstesParkWeather.net is part of the ExceptionalWeather Network. Visit ExceptionalWeather.com to learn more about my other Weather Stations, and equipment.


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EstesParkWeather.net is a member of the the Rocky Mountain Weather Network.

      Rocky Mountain Weather Network

Quote from the patron saint of the webmaster, St. Alphonsus Liguori :
"My Jesus, Thou alone art sufficient for me.  My love, do not permit me to separate myself from Thee.  When shall I be able to say, 'My God, I cannot lose thee any more?' "

 ©2007 EstesParkWeather.net and ExceptionalWeather.com. EstesParkWeather.net is part of the ExceptionalWeather Network
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Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet.